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G_\Shared drives\External Relations\Marketing & Comms\Marketing Photography\2020 January Burns Night Supper\IMG_5033.JPG
Friday 24 January 2020
T_\Marketing\PHOTOGRAPHY\(1) OMA\2019 November Edinburgh Drinks Reception\IMG_4643 W.JPG
Thursday 21 November 2019
T_\Marketing\PHOTOGRAPHY\(1) OMA\2019 October HK Drinks Reception\b0ab7e9c-7d45-4787-9940-6b3750f5f82b.jpg
Thursday 24 October 2019
T_\Marketing\PHOTOGRAPHY\(1) OMA\2019 OMA AGM & Quiet Garden Blessing\IMG_4024.JPG
Saturday 5 October 2019
T_\Marketing\PHOTOGRAPHY\(1) OMA\2019 London Drinks Reception\IMG_3948.JPG
Thursday 3 October 2019
T_\Marketing\PHOTOGRAPHY\2019\2019 SUMMER BALL (Official)\Summer Ball Abstract (7).jpg
Saturday 6 July 2019
“Very many thanks for the photos and for all you did to make our reunion so memorable. I wouldn't have missed it for anything and it was certainly worth coming over from Italy. You made us all feel so welcome, a splendid day!”
1967 Reunion, June 2016